If an item is not marked "Free Shipping", you can calculate shipping charges by adding the quantity you would like to your shopping cart.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the "exact" quantity you would like.
The more items you purchase, the less shipping per product you will be charged.
On the product's page, click the "request quote/ask question" link.
Fill in the quantity you would like, and suggest your own shipping price. It might be your lucky day!
What is freight delivery?
Freight delivery means your products will be shipped on a large semi truck. Freight delivery is used when the size of the product is too large to be shipped FedEx or UPS.
Items marked "Freight" will be shipped to your door. Liftgate service is included.
Inside delivery is not available for freight shipments.
Freight shipments cannot be shipped overnight etc. Small shipments can sometimes be sent overnight. Please call, and discuss your needs with a sales rep.
Items marked "Standard Ground" can ship UPS or FedEx.Large items have to ship freight truck on a pallet, or in a crate.
We reserve the right to choose the carrier. Products may arrive in separate packages.